Sunday, April 11, 2010

I OWNED That Ice Skating Rink ;-)

Oh what an incredible weekend this has been... It's really a shame that it's coming to an end...
I wasn't going to go ice skating because of my sore back but once I saw how much fun everyone seemed to be having I ended up renting a pair and trying it out... I'm so glad I did! What a blast. And no injuries!!!! It was challenging to even stand on the ice at first, but after a little while I was flying around the rink and keeping up with my cousin Laurie (who was a natural!)

The sad news is that I was left with no time to do Kenpo... however, tomorrow is my "off" day so I'm going to get up early and get it done before work.

Then onto recovery week; which I was told is not really much of a recovery week at all... I haven't had time to peek at the schedule yet but part of me secretly hopes it is 6 days of X stretch... :-p I highly doubt that is the case. :)

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