Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 23 - Core Syner-holycrapicannotbreathe-gistics

Core Syn was tough.... It's up there with Plyometrics, actually. Even Mr. Horton seemed quite sullen throughout the entire hour... strange.
Halfway through I stopped because I thought I was going to throw up (which I will avoid doing at all costs) but had some water, cooled down for a minute and finished strong.

Core Synergistics
Max HR: 180
Avg HR: 136
Calories Burned: 412

I have the day off from work tomorrow and it's Kenpo day. (yay!!!)

NOT looking forward to Core Synergistics again... Oh, and John, I know you're a day behind me... if you're reading this - consider yourself warned... It's tough! ...And they call this *Recovery* week... Ha!

The good news tonight- I did many *real* push ups during this workout and prior to tonight I didn't think I could do more than a few! Woohoo!!

Quote of the day:
"I'm just bonin' your clown"

Now back to my Def Leppard. :)

Ahh F-F-Foolin'!

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