Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 32 - Yoga X

I don't like yoga... and it's recently hit me as to why... It's boring. It is long (an hour and a half) and it's the same moves, over and over and over and overrrr... It does cause me to "feel the burn" though, as Tony Horton would say, so I don't skip it. I just don't like the lack of variety and the fact that I'm falling every couple minutes. I'm going to do two workouts in one day at some point this weekend to get back to where I was before skipping a day from that migraine the other day.
I think I'll do Legs & Back, Ab Ripper, and Kenpo tomorrow since I have all day off from work.

I'm seriously starting to love how my body is taking shape... It's like a work of art that's slowly (very slowly) being sculpted over a period of a few months; It's been worth every drop of sweat (and a few tears along the way)
It's the first year I have not been dreading summer!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 31 - Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X

You'd figure that a bad day at work would make me want to come home and just tear this workout up to relieve some frustration, right? It had the complete opposite effect... I had to pep-talk myself into doing tonight's workout and let me tell you, it wasn't an easy decision.
I took last night off from P90x because I had a migraine all day (I hadn't had red wine in years and completely forgot it causes me to have migraines) and today's workout was decent considering that I was this close (_) to going straight to bed after work.
My arms are puffy and shaky from working my biceps which I love... My abs are wrecked though. Those hip flexors of mine have been on fire lately during the ab ripper and I don't know if maybe I'm doing something wrong...? Who knows.
Time for a shower and catching up on last night's episode of Sober House :)
Half day of work tomorrow!:)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 30 - Plyometrics!


I'm addicted....

Max HR: 185
Avg HR: 151
Calories Burned: 640

I videotaped most of my workout to see exactly how my form is, and it's not too bad...  I need some help on the Mary Katherine lunges (I lost my balance a couple of times) but so do the people on the video so I don't feel so bad :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 29 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Can I just again say how excited I am that I can do PUSH UPS!!!  I am proud say I was able to complete tonight's workout with real push ups during the entire thing... until it came to the one arm push ups... those required the knees.  However, the rest of the push ups were real; I swear! :)
Tomorrow is Plyometrics, so I'm relieved it's on a day I'm off from work so I can really give it my all.
My right triceps is very "stiff" again like it was when I strained it during the very first week... I hope that I didn't hurt it again.  Like I said before; I'll just overwork the left one so they are even ;-)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 27 - End of the First Month

I am as excited about moving onto month two as I was starting the entire program because of the whole theory of muscle confusion... I should start to see more of a difference after month two.  Prior to starting the program,  I had looked at many before and after P90x pictures online and in most of them, it seemed that the major changes do not happen until after month one.  I myself didn't experience many changes in the first 30 days; although I do see a difference in my boo-tay... also my abs seem more toned and my calves look bigger... 


1. My heart rate comes down MUCH quicker than it did a month ago
2. I am lifting more weight and increasing reps each week
3. I am ALWAYS hungry
4. More energy throughout the day
5. A more positive mood
6. Sleeping better
7. More conscious of what I eat
8. Taking more showers (ha)
9. Drinking more water throughout the day
10. My body is changing rapidly
11. Daily EFA's have made my skin so smooth (!)
12. Lower resting pulse
13. I CAN DO PUSH UPS!!!!!!!

There are so many positive changes already, and it's only been one month.  I can't imagine the amount of progress at day 90.... or day 120!