Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 68 - I'm Back, with Back and Biceps & Legs and Back

That was a really long break... I hadn't worked out in 4 or 5 days and there is no reason for it.  I feel like I'm getting burnt out.
I just finished a solid round of Back and Biceps and am about to do Legs and Back.  My reps were lower than last time;  my right arm is doing some kind of creaky vibration thing on curls with the 12's.  It didn't feel right :o/
OH and I don't want to jinx anything but I found a perfect house in my price range that I *might* be filling out paperwork for tonight even though it's a holiday.  I'm so ready for this.
Legs and Back - BRING IT!  :o)

7:06 pm Update -
Legs and Back went pretty well.  I definitely "felt the burn" :o)

My new obsession - riding my bike as far and as fast as I can while blasting my mp3 player.  Therapeutic beyond words.

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