Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 60 - Pictures and Stats

Measurements - 5/19/10
Waist  25½
Hips  37¾
Thighs  20¾
Arm  9½  (10½ while flexed)

Weight: 128

BMI:  19.4

I don't see too much of a difference;  the biggest improvement is definitely my booty... 

I guess I look more "compact" than I did at day one... definitely a little thinner which surprises me, actually.  I thought for sure my legs were going to look like Pam the blam's after all those weighted lunges...
However, I'm extremely happy with the results so far.

60 days - DONE.

I am celebrating with brownies :-)

(After all, I deserve *something* after bearing my body for all to see!)


babyglu242 said...

think your pics are looking great

megan said...

I agree: you look great. Definitely more toned!