Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 55 - Loving This Weather

 I need to invest in some longer shorts :-/  An hour of biking can be conducive to inner thigh rashes...

67 Minutes Bike
Max: 176
Avg: 146
Calories Burned: 563

It is HOT out!  And I'm loving every second of it.  I'm going to try running for the first time in months... It should be interesting to see if there is any difference after this P90X journey.  (I hate running!)

12:30 pm Update -

10 Minute Run
Max HR:  181
Avg HR:  158
Calories Burned: 93

That was really tough.  I shouldn't have gone running when it is so hot out, but if I don't do it now I'm definitely not going to want to after I shower and cuddle up in my Snuggie on the couch  (which is going to happen right after Yoga)

While running I felt as if I were not even moving...  I will never again ride my bike *then* go running afterward, haha - the harder I pushed the shorter my legs felt.

It feels good to push this hard; and actually want to push this hard.  I've definitely been having my "off" days...  This has been a good weekend.  Hopefully I can keep pushing as hard in week 9.

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